Pure, optimistic, and full of hope. The Innocent archetype promises simplicity and happiness.

Adventurous, independent, and daring. The Explorer thrives on freedom and discovery.

Wise, thoughtful, and knowledge-driven. The Sage illuminates the path to understanding.

Courageous, strong, and determined. The Hero inspires through perseverance and triumph.

Bold, rebellious, and unconventional. The Outlaw challenges the status quo.

Imaginative, inventive, and visionary. The Creator brings new ideas to life.

Compassionate, nurturing, and supportive. The Caregiver puts others first.

Powerful, commanding, and authoritative. The Ruler creates order from chaos.

Passionate, romantic, and intimate. The Lover connects through emotion and beauty.

Playful, humorous, and lighthearted. The Jester lives in the moment and spreads joy.

Transformative, visionary, and inspiring. The Magician makes the impossible possible.

Relatable, honest, and dependable. The Everyman represents the ordinary and approachable.